New York eatery spreads Netanyahu photo on floor for customers to step on Palestinian-American shawarma joint introduces 'floor of shame' of images of prominent world leaders, with owner asking patrons to step on them to receive service

(Ynet) Popular Palestinian shawarma restaurant King of Falafel and Shawarma located in New York is asking diners to step on a picture of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they enter. The eatery’s owner placed images of political leaders including Netanyahu and U.S. President Joe Biden on the restaurant floor, accompanied by words like “Zionists” or “war criminals,” along with a message urging patrons to “step on us — we love it.”

This move, dubbed by the restaurant owner as the “floor of shame,” has provoked strong reactions from passersby, including neighbors and Jewish diners who were shocked by the display. Several customers who spoke with Ynet said they were told by a staff member that they wouldn’t be served unless they stepped on the leaders’ images.

Some of the images were also placed on the public sidewalk, which violates New York City regulations.

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