Parliament shoots down Arnhem mayor’s ban on Quran desecration

(NL Times) A majority in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, is against Arnhem mayor Ahmed Marcouch’s call for a national ban on Quran desecration. According to the parliamentarians, an attempted Quran burning by anti-Islam movement Pegida did get severely out of hand earlier this year, but a ban is unnecessary, the Volkskrant reports.

The first debate of the parliamentary year on Tuesday was about Pegida and a ban on burning religious texts. Early this year, Pegida leader Edwin Wagensveld announced he would burn a Quran in Arnhem. A crowd stormed … Wagensveld and the police in an attempt to prevent the desecration. Arnhem mayor Marcouch then banned a new action by Wagensveld and called for a national ban on such burnings.

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