Cops: Scissors attack on Jewish barber in Yonkers was a hate crime

(Westchester Journal News) A Yonkers man is charged with attempted murder as a hate crime after allegedly stabbing a barber because he was Jewish.

Ahmed al Jabali, 34, allegedly shouted, “I want to kill you, you (expletive) Jew” before repeatedly trying to stab Slava Shushakov in the face and body with a pair of Jaguar barber scissors on Aug. 29 at a Yonkers Avenue barbershop, according to a criminal complaint by police filed in Yonkers City Court.

The barbershop has been closed since the attack.

In a phone interview Tuesday, Shushakov told the Journal News/lohud that he had just finished giving the man a haircut when his attacker grabbed the scissors from the counter, threatened to kill him and blow up his store, and began stabbing him.

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