Danish far-right extremist charged over Quran burnings Rasmus Paludan was charged with hate crime and insult by the Swedish prosecutor’s office.

(Politico) A 42-year-old man has been charged with incitement against an ethnic group and insult on Wednesday, Swedish prosecutors said in a statement.

While the Swedish Prosecution Authority did not name the suspect, Swedish media, including Dagens Nyheter, Sveriges Radio, and Aftonbladet, have identified him as Rasmus Paludan, a Swedish-Danish extremist who over the past few years attracted international attention with public Quran burnings.

The statement said the charges related to two incidents in April and September 2022 in Malmö. Paludan had attended public gatherings in the Swedish city at both those times, during which he made hateful comments directed at Muslims, Arabs and Africans.

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