Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary jailed for at least 28 years for directing terrorist propaganda organisation Police in Britain, the US and Canada ran separate investigations as they became concerned that Anjem Choudary was seeking to recruit a new generation of followers.

(Sky News) Anjem Choudary has been jailed for life with a minimum of 28 years for directing a terrorist propaganda operation aimed at encouraging attacks and spreading messages of “hate and division.”

Choudary, 57, from Ilford, East London, helped found al-Muhajiroun (ALM) in 1996 and spent nearly 30 years running their operations under dozens of different names including Islam4UK and Muslims Against Crusades.

It can be disclosed that members have been linked to at least 21 different terrorist plots and senior members travelled to Syria, where Siddhartha Dhar and Reza Haque joined an IS execution squad.

Choudary himself was an associate of Woolwich killer Michael Adebolajo, London Bridge terrorist Khuram Butt and Fishmongers’ Hall attacker Usman Khan.

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