Harrow GP who led banned Islamist group has work suspension overturned Lawyers for Dr Wahid Shaida, former UK head of Hizb ut-Tahrir, called the decision by NHS England a 'significant triumph'

(Jewish News) The NHS has overturned the suspension of a Harrow GP who headed the UK branch of recently banned Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, leaving him free to resume his practice as a GP.

Dr Wahid Shaida, who also uses the name Abdul Wahid, was GB chair of the group, which the government outlawed in January.

On 15 January, then-home secretary James Cleverly moved to proscribe the group, which he called “antisemitic” and warned it “promotes and encourages terrorism,” by putting an order before parliament which made joining the organisation illegal in the UK under terror laws.

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