Jordan summons Dutch ambassador over ‘racist’ Wilders social media post

(NL Times) Jordan has summoned the Dutch ambassador on Thursday to explain a “racist” post by PVV leader Geert Wilders on X earlier in the evening. Wilders wrote that Jordan is “the only real” Palestinian state, responding to the news that the Israeli parliament voted against the establishment of a Palestinian state west of Jordan, reports.

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it summoned the Dutch ambassador to deliver a message of protest to the Dutch government. According to the ministry, Wilders’ post reflects a “racist position” that the Palestinian issue can be resolved at Jordan’s expense.

Jordan wants the Dutch government to distance itself from Wilders’ post. The Jordanian ministry called Wilders a “racist parliamentarian” whose “inflammatory statements” are contrary to international law. They also reflect “a culture of racial hatred.”

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