Netherlands extradites woman linked to Madrid shooting of politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras

(NL Times) Authorities in the Netherlands will extradite 27-year-old Chahinez K., who is suspected of involvement in an attempt to assassinate Spanish politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras. The Den Bosch woman was the first of three people arrested in the Netherlands in connection with the shooting in Madrid in November.

The International Legal Assistance Centre at the District Court of Amsterdam ruled on Wednesday that the woman can be sent to Spain to face charges in the crime. The Spanish authorities have promised that K. will be allowed to serve her sentence in the Netherlands if convicted.

K. was arrested in the Netherlands at the end of April at the request of the Spanish authorities. She is suspected of financing the assassination attempt and helping to plan the November 9 shooting. The woman denies having anything to do with the attack.

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