Bob Casey praised CAIR official who urged Fetterman to ‘hang his head in shame’ over support for Israel Casey has been slow to defend Fetterman from left-wing attacks

(Free Beacon) Sen. Bob Casey has touted an official at a pro-Hamas activist group who this week attacked the Pennsylvania Democrat’s Senate colleague, John Fetterman, for meeting with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ahmet Selim Tekelioglu, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic [Relations’] (CAIR) Philadelphia chapter, called on Fetterman to “hang his head in shame” for meeting Netanyahu during a trip to Israel this week. “It is shameful that a senator from our state would meet with and express support for a genocidal war criminal like Benjamin Netanyahu,” said Tekelioglu.

That attack could put pressure on Casey to weigh in on the fracture between Fetterman, who has campaigned aggressively on his behalf, and a politically active group Casey has praised in the past.

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