Report claims Islamic State were urged to shoot Real Madrid players and attack the Bernabeu stadium The Guardia Civil has dismantled an Islamic State media centre that advised people to attack the Santiago Bernabeu stadium and shoot Real Madrid players

(Marca) “El Confidencial” reports that the Guardia Civil’s Information Service has dismantled the self-styled I’lam Foundation, one of the largest propaganda centers linked to the Islamic State/Daesh.

Jose Maria Olmo publishes that “the dismantled network ordered its followers to attack the bus of Real Madrid football players and fans of the team.”

In a poster circulated on the network, a hooded man is seen shooting and the target of his telescopic sight is pointed at the Real Madrid bus.

“My dear brother. He waits in a place near the arrival point of the players. Aim at them along with their supporters” is the message on the poster.

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