Rochdale loyalties tested by Galloway’s Labour challenge on Gaza policy Flamboyant MP tells the National his by-election victory was a signal that British Muslims could provide a significant general election upset

(National-UAE) Rochdale, says its current MP George Galloway, will be remembered as the place where Britain’s Muslims saw that there was a new way of finding a political voice.

His view, although bound with self-interest, was certainly borne out during the National’s visit to the once-prosperous northern England town where the Muslim vote appeared resolute for the outspoken politician who has spent a lifetime supporting Palestinians.

But his two-month stint as the former mill town’s MP could end if Labour can convince enough voters that its plans to help Palestinians once in office are genuine.

Speaking in Rochdale as he campaigns for a new term, he labelled Mr Starmer’s support for Israel in Gaza a “catastrophe” but this campaign was mild compared to others he has run as a Labour Party maverick turned independent campaigner.

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