‘Long live October 7’: Vancouver protesters praise terrorist groups Activists glorified the 'beautiful, brave and heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, which did not begin on October 7, which has continued for over 75 years, which has continued over 120 years.'

(Jerusalem Post) Anti-Israel protesters praised the October 7 massacre and several terrorist organizations at a Vancouver rally on Friday according to a video published by Free Palestine Tri-cities British Columbia, demanding that the groups be removed from Canada’s list of terrorist entities.

Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator for the allegedly Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-affiliated (PFLP) Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, led demonstrators in a chant proclaiming “Long live October 7.”

“We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic brave action on October 7,” Kates said in her speech on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

The events of October 7, according to Kates, indicated that Palestinians had almost achieved victory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

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