Tajik opposition activist arrested in Lithuania over alleged terrorist links

(LRT) Tajik opposition activist Sulaimon Davlatov has been detained in Lithuania for two months, his representatives say. According to the State Security Department (VSD), Davlatov has links to terrorist organisations.

[Sharofiddin] Gadoev, one of the leaders of the Tajik opposition and head of the Tajik Reform and Development Movement, told LRT.lt that Davlatov has been living in Lithuania since 2015 and was granted political asylum in 2016.

According to Gadoev, the court decided to detain Davlatov based on the conclusions of the VSD that he is a threat to Lithuania’s national security.

“He is being persecuted for political reasons. He faces torture and death in Tajikistan. He cannot defend his rights under such conditions. According to international law, and Lithuania is committed to it, they have no right to send a person back to his homeland,” he said.

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