Frankfurt teachers impose Ramadan rules on 5th graders Students were forbidden from drinking water in class because three of the 27 children were fasting.

(European Conservative) In the name of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, some public school teachers in the Frankfurt metropolitan area in Germany are unilaterally imposing Islam — arguably the world’s most intolerant religion — on their pre-teen students.

For the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which began March 10th, a pair of primary school teachers took it upon themselves to prohibit fifth-grade students from drinking water in their classrooms out of consideration for a few Muslim pupils fasting.

Muslims observing Ramadan are required to refrain from eating or drinking anything, including water, from sunrise to sunset.

A father, whose daughter is a student of one of the teachers who imposed the drinking ban, recounted to the German news portal NiUS how he learned [what] was taking place in the classroom.

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