UK terror attack survivors condemn anti-Muslim hatred in joint letter The signatories, including survivors and relatives of people who have been killed by extremists, have criticised some politicians for 'facilitating anti-Muslim hate.'

(Sky News) More than 50 victims of Islamist-inspired terror attacks, including the Manchester Arena bombing and Bataclan shooting, have joined together to call for an end to anti-Muslim hate.

In a joint letter, they warn that it is the “height of irresponsibility” for unnamed politicians to equate “being Muslim with being an extremist” and say some have been “facilitating anti-Muslim hate or failing to challenge it.”

They added: “The single most important thing we can do is to isolate the extremists and the terrorists from the vast majority of British Muslims who deplore such violence.”

The 58 people who have signed the letter include terror attack survivors and relatives of people who have been killed by extremists.

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