Michael Gove says ‘good-hearted people’ at pro-Palestine marches should question potential ‘extremist organisers’ Tens of thousands of people participated in a Gaza protest on Saturday in London — the fifth march in the capital this year — which saw five arrests and a counter-protester de-arrested.

(Sky News) Michael Gove has urged pro-Palestinian protesters to question whether extremist groups are behind some of the demonstrations — days ahead of publishing a new official definition of extremism.

The housing secretary said “good-hearted people” attending the marches should be aware they could be “lending credence” to extremists.

Tens of thousands of people participated in a Gaza protest organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) on Saturday in London — the fifth march in the capital this year — which saw five arrests and a counter-demonstrator de-arrested.

While marching through central London, protesters chanted “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and waved banners demanding a “ceasefire now.”

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