Muslim preacher reported to police after comparing October 7 attacks to Jews breaking out of concentration camps West Yorkshire police were handed a dossier filled with remarks Ladak has made since the Hamas attack

(GB News) A Muslim preacher who compared the October 7 attacks to Jews breaking out of concentration camps and attacking Nazis has been reported to the police.

Sheikh Jaffer Ladak, the imam of the Baab-Ul-Ilm Centre in Leeds, made numerous comments on social media stating that Muslims should not condemn Hamas.

West Yorkshire police were handed a dossier filled with remarks Ladak has made since Hamas massacred more than 1,000 Israeli civilians last year.

In one clip, the [imam] compared Hamas’ attack to Jewish people breaking out of concentration camps and attacking their persecutors: “So why should you condemn when the people of Gaza break out of their concentration camp and attack the military bases around them?”

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