Debates about deportation and image follow Zurich anti-Semitic attack

(Swiss Info) The stabbing of an Orthodox Jewish man comes amid growing concerns about anti-Semitism in Switzerland. Some politicians now want a harsh response. Here’s what’s known about the case so far.

The attacker: a teenager in a “global war”

Last Saturday at around 9.30pm, a 50-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed on the street near the centre of Switzerland’s biggest city, Zurich. The alleged attacker, a 15-year-old with Tunisian origins — he became a Swiss citizen in 2011 — was arrested at the scene after passers-by chased him and pinned him down until police arrived. The victim’s condition, initially life-threatening, has since stabilised.

On Monday, police released more details: notably, they confirmed the authenticity of an online video in which the teenager declared allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) and called for a “global war against Jews”; he also said he wanted to “storm a synagogue” and “kill unbelievers on the street.”

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