Judge orders Scarborough Canadian Tire terrorist to sign terrorism peace bond If convicted terrorist Rehab Dughmosh refuses to sign, she could be sent to jail for up to 12 months.

(Toronto Star) There is reason to fear that a convicted Toronto terrorist may commit a new terrorist attack, a judge found Thursday, ordering Rehab Dughmosh to sign a legal document promising not to violate any laws for the next two years.

It remains to be seen whether Dughmosh will actually sign the document and other paperwork that would allow her to get out of jail; the generally silent Dughmosh spoke in court for the first time on Thursday, saying she doesn’t want to cause any problems in the community.

Dughmosh, 39, was convicted by a jury in 2019 of terrorism-related charges for two incidents: leaving Canada in 2016 attempting to join the Islamic State in Syria, and attacking a Scarborough Canadian Tire in 2017, wielding a golf club and knife while shouting, “This is for ISIS.” She was quickly disarmed by staff and no one was seriously injured.

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