Germany: ‘DAVA’ party woos voters with Turkish roots Fighting Islamophobia and strengthening 'traditional values' are core issues in the election program with which DAVA reaches out to Muslim migrants in Germany. Is Turkish President Recep Erdogan behind the movement?

(Deutsche Welle) Germany’s newly founded “Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening” (DAVA) is currently a voters’ association, but it intends to run as a party in the European elections on June 9. This announcement in January triggered a heated debate in Germany, with some political observers accusing the new party of being no more than a mouthpiece of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Four candidates have been presented, and they all have had ties to Turkey’s governing party: 45-year-old lawyer Fatih Zingal is the top candidate. He was born in Germany to Turkish immigrants and was a member of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) for 10 years, until 2011. He was a spokesman for the Union of [International] Democrats (UID), which German authorities describe as a lobby organization for Turkey’s ruling AKP party. Ahead of elections in Turkey, the UID organized campaign appearances by Erdogan and other Turkish officials in Germany and other European countries.

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