Labour under massive pressure from British Muslims over Gaza stance After voting Labour 'blindly' for years, Muslims are now turning their backs on the party.

(European Conservative) Polls indicate that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is losing the support of a large number of Muslim voters by refusing to call on Israel to cease fire permanently in its war against Hamas. The head of one West Midlands mosque said that congregants who were brought up to “blindly” support Labour are now “opening their eyes.”

Historically, polling suggests that close to three-quarters of Britain’s Muslim population feels electorally most closely aligned to Labour. This is changing; a flashpoint issue for some party members came when Starmer claimed in October that Israel “has the right” to withhold power and water from Gaza. There is increased scope — what party officials have described as “huge pressure” from Muslim constituents — for significant defections from Labour’s electoral base.

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