Police say man professing ‘love’ for Hamas was just ‘amicably arguing’ for his cause Exclusive: Jewish News supplied video of the incident on Oxford Street to the police along with the man's mobile number and email address. Police have refused to investigate, saying the proud terrorist sympathiser was legally 'supporting his own view.'

(Jewish News) Police have refused to investigate a vile video of a man declaring “love and support” for Hamas, saying the footage shows the terrorist sympathiser “amicably arguing” for his cause.

Jewish News supplied video [of] the incident on Oxford Street on 1 November to the Metropolitan Police. It shows a man ripping down posters of kidnapped Israelis and then stating: “Hamas, my mujahadeen brothers. I love them, I support them, I pray for them. Put this video on YouTube and tell Rishi Sunak we love them and pray for them.”

Jewish News also provided police with the terrorist supporter’s full name, mobile phone number, email address and business address, sent to us by a concerned reader who recognised the individual in question.

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