Hugo Micheron: ‘The jihad has shifted from terrorist cells to families’ The French political scientist, an expert in Islamist extremism, cautions against becoming complacent about terrorism in Europe

(El País) Hugo Micheron, one of the brightest in a long line of French Arabists, recently published La colère et l’oubli (Anger and oblivion, in French), a history of European jihadism in which he explores a landscape still marked by ignorance and prejudice. The French professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (also known as Sciences Po) combines field research in prisons and local communities with a robust theoretical framework.

Micheron tells a story of an ideology that is here to stay. Recent terror attacks in France and Belgium have shown that jihadism has not disappeared in Europe, though it is less intense than in the past. During our conversation with Micheron at the Gallimard publishing house in Paris, another important theme clearly emerges — the future of democracy in Europe.

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