Children & Teens

Calgary youth suspected of terrorism activity to enter into 12-month peace bond As well as anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments, the teen's material also included references to Black Lives Matter and showed a synagogue blowing up

(Calgary Herald) The Calgary teen who will be placed on a 12-month terrorism peace bond believed Sharia law dictated that gay people should be executed, court was told Monday. And among the materials found on the now-17-year-old’s electronic devices were videos of […]

Academics & Education

In San Diego, controversy surrounds an antisemitic imam and his wife Imam Taha Hassane has justified Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, while Lallia Allali posted an image of a Star of David decapitating babies.

(JNS) On Dec. 8, the Palestine, Arab and Muslim Caucus of the California Faculty Association hosted an event — listed with the California State University, San Bernardino, logo — titled “Endangered Education: Teaching Palestine in Liberated K-12 Ethnic Studies.” Among the speakers […]


Denmark’s Quran-burning ban draws sharp criticism Denmark now bows to the demands of dictatorial Middle Eastern regimes, Danish People’s Party MP Mikkel Bjørn Sørensen said.

(European Conservative) The decision taken by the left-liberal majority in the Danish parliament, the Folketing, late last week to ban public Quran burning has garnered sharp criticism from both domestic politicians and political leaders in neighboring Scandinavian countries, with many arguing the […]

Children & Teens

Austria arrests 16-year-old on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack The teenager was allegedly planning an attack against a synagogue in Vienna, authorities have said.

(Local) Austrian authorities have arrested a 16-year-old boy from Upper Austria on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack against a synagogue in Vienna. The arrest was made last Thursday, December 7th, and the teenager is in custody. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) […]


Man ‘spied on HQ of London-based TV channel Iran International to help terror plotters’ Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev, 31, told security guards outside the channel's headquarters that he was in the area to visit a friend. But he was later arrested by police after he was seen filming the building on his mobile phone, a court was told.

(Sky News) An Austrian man is on trial accused of carrying out “hostile reconnaissance” of a TV station in London that was potentially being targeted for a terrorist attack. Magomed-Husejn Dovtaev is said to have tried to covertly film security arrangements outside […]