She praised Islamic terror groups. Then the Biden admin tapped her to address ‘hate and threats of violence’ Palestine Legal manager Lina Assi has called Hezbollah 'crucial and important'

(Free Beacon) Education Secretary Miguel Cardona hosted a meeting this month with an anti-Israel activist who has praised Hamas and Hezbollah and called for violence against Israel.

Cardona on Nov. 15 met with 13 activists — including Palestine Legal advocacy manager Lina Assi — to address the “extremely disturbing pattern of hate and threats of violence in schools and college campuses” following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Assi has called Iran and its terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, “crucial and important” in “resisting imperialism” in the Middle East. As a student activist, she led a crowd in a chant of “Viva, viva Intifada,” a call for violent uprising against the Jewish state.

Assi’s organization represents Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel student group that projected the pro-Hamas statement “Glory to our martyrs” on buildings at George Washington University.

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