Divisive Wilders stunned by PVV victory, pledges to govern for all Dutch people

(NL Times) Dutch politician Geert Wilders expressed enthusiasm and pride after leading his far-right PVV party to victory in the 2023 general election. The first exit poll showed that his party will win 35 of the 150 seats in the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of Dutch Parliament. The exit poll has a margin of 1-2 seats. The question will be if the controversial politician can cobble together a coalition to form a Cabinet, but he seemed to have the support of right-wing parties NSC and BBB.

“35 seats! The biggest party in the Netherlands!” he shouted to his supporters in Scheveningen at the PVV’s election party on Wednesday night. He asked for other parties to join the PVV in forging a new path forward, not burdened by “their own shadows.” He said his party can no longer be ignored, because it would be “very undemocratic,” and “voters would not accept it.”

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