German antisemitism: Robert Habeck jabs Muslim groups, threatens deportations ‘The extent of the Islamist demonstrations in Berlin and other cities in Germany is unacceptable and requires a tough political response,’ says vice chancellor.

(Politico) Germany’s Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck criticized Muslim groups while expressing concern over rising antisemitism in Germany and calling for tough consequences for people committing antisemitic acts.

“Antisemitism is not to be tolerated in any form,” Habeck said Wednesday evening in a speech posted on X. “The extent of the Islamist demonstrations in Berlin and other cities in Germany is unacceptable and requires a tough political response.”

Antisemitic acts — such as burning the Israeli flag — are a crime, Habeck said, and those committing them will have to face the consequences.

“Anyone who is German will have to answer for it in court. If you’re not German, you also risk your residency status,” Habeck said in the video, which by Thursday morning had racked up more than 4.2 million views.

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