Teens in France, Belgium arrested for plotting attack on Israel embassy 'And our target is the Jews. Killing only police officers is not effective,' the ringleader wrote in one discussion group.

(JNS) Three teenagers have been arrested in France and a fourth in Belgium for planning a terrorist attack against the Israeli embassy in Uccle, a municipality of Brussels.

On Aug. 31, a French judge indicted for “criminal terrorist association” two high school students from the city of Tours — Malik, 15, born in France, and Maskhoud, 16, a Russian of Chechen origin, French daily Le Parisien reported on Sunday.

A third boy, 16, another Russian from the Caucasus region living near Nantes, was arrested on Sept. 8 after returning from a vacation in Russia.

A fourth suspect, a 16-year-old Belgian nicknamed “Al-Baljikie,” was arrested on June 14 by Belgian anti-terrorism police. He was indicted for terrorism in Brussels.

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