Ban radical Muslim clerics from entering UK: counter-extremism commissioner

(Arab News) The UK’s commissioner for countering extremism has warned the government that it must stop radical Muslim clerics from entering the country and should label a number of groups as terrorists.

Robin Simcox said Britain is experiencing a rise in extremist Muslim activist organizations. He added that a significant number of clerics who follow Mumtaz Qadri, who murdered the governor of Punjab in Pakistan in 2011 for criticizing the country’s blasphemy laws, have visited the UK.

They include Enayetullah Abbasi from Bangladesh, who called the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks “brave lions” at the Islamic conference in Birmingham earlier this year.

In a speech to the Royal United Services Institute, Simcox said: “I expect the (British) government to do more to bar such speakers traveling to this country.”

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