Infamous ‘baby terrorist’ Alo-Bridget Namoa charged over bulletproof vest Alo-Bridget Namoa, who called herself the 'baby terrorist,' has now been charged with firearms offences by police.

(Daily Telegraph) A convicted terror plotter has been charged with gun offences by police as part of their investigations into Sydney’s ongoing gang war.

Alo-Bridget Namoa, who called herself the “baby terrorist,” spent three years in prison for plotting a terror attack at Sydney’s New Year’s Eve party in 2015, in which she and her ex-husband planned to attack “non-Muslims.”

She is now back before the courts after being charged with three offences by Taskforce Magnus, the new police squad targeting Sydney’s gangland war, as part of their ongoing investigations.

Namoa is subject to a firearms prohibition order (FPO) and so police carried out a search on her vehicle as she drove with her new boyfriend Samuel Lehauli and another man about 5.30pm on Saturday, August 26, along Second Ave in Kingswood.

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