Censored for ‘safety’: Swedish cultural centre cancels Iran-critical artist MEP Charlie Weimers: 'It is pure censorship. Ahmadi makes it clear that this is not a criticism of Islam but of political Islam, veiling, and the regime in Iran.'

(European Conservative) After her art exhibition was shut down over safety concerns by a Swedish cultural centre, artist Sadaf Ahmadi has been invited to Brussels by Sweden Democrats (SD) MEP Charlie Weimers to display her sculptures of women wearing the Islamic chador.

Ahmadi’s sculptures, which have been displayed previously in parts of France, were set to be displayed in the city of Borås, [Ahmadi’s] hometown, but the Borås Cultural Centre shut down the exhibition claiming, according to a report from the newspaper Aftonbladet, that the exhibition would pose a possible safety risk.

“This feels like censorship and it’s not the right way to deal with these important issues,” Ahmadi said and added, “I see art as a way to shed light on the issue of women’s rights in Iran. When you censor it, isn’t it the same thing that happens in Iran?”

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