Opposition calls for Sweden Democrat to resign over Mohammed tweet

(Local) Sweden’s opposition has called for the chair of the parliament’s foreign policy committee to resign after he called the Prophet Mohammed a “warlord, mass-murderer, slave trader and bandit” in a tweet.

Richard Jomshof, whose strong views on Islam made him a controversial choice as committee chair, was responding to a call for “greater dialogue” from Tahir Akan, chair of the Swedish Muslim Association, over how to deal with activists burning the Quran, the holy book of Islam.

“I agree that we need a ‘broader dialogue,'” Jomshof tweeted. “A dialogue about how we democratise the Muslim world. Or [why] not a dialogue about Islam, this antidemocratic, violence-promoting and misogynistic religion/ideology, founded by the warlord, mass-murderer, slave trader and bandit, Mohammed.”

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