Finland’s Islamic community demands government take concrete steps towards ‘zero tolerance’ of racism A total of 26 Islamic congregations and organisations signed the joint statement.

(Yle) A group of Islamic communities and organisations in Finland have issued a joint statement calling on the government to take concrete steps towards achieving “zero tolerance” on racism.

“We call on the Finnish government and especially Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) to be more active in condemning the normalisation of open hate speech and to act to eradicate racist thinking,” the statement reads.

The phrase “zero tolerance” has been much reported and discussed in Finnish media over the past week after President Sauli Niinistö said the Finnish government “would be wise to adopt a clear zero-tolerance stance on racism” in response to racist and violent comments written by Finance Minister and Deputy PM Riikka Purra (Finns) on a blog in 2008.

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