Children & Teens

Mohammed tops the name list of arrested French rioters Despite French authorities denying the migrant background of many of the rioters, French police statistics show that the name Mohammed was the most common among those arrested during the rioting earlier this month.

(European Conservative) Over 2,300 people have been arrested in connection with the multiple-day riots that shook France earlier this month following the fatal shooting of a teen named Nahel in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Many have speculated about a connection between […]

Government & Politics

Al Qaeda and ISIS ‘planning attacks in the UK’ Home Secretary Suella Braverman set to warn the threat of terrorism is severe in Britain

(National-UAE) ISIS and Al Qaeda are plotting attacks in the UK, the government is expected to warn on Tuesday. Home Secretary Suella Braverman will describe terrorism by Islamist extremists as “the predominant threat” facing British security in an update to Contest, the […]

Government & Politics

Greece to the EU: Come help stop migrant boats before they get here ‘These tragedies will continue to happen unless we stop departures from Libya,’ Greece’s migration minister told POLITICO following a shipwreck that killed hundreds.

(Politico) Greece wants the EU to stop migrant boats before they even get to Europe. In an interview with POLITICO, newly appointed Greek Migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis called on the EU to resume an operation that aims to halt migrants before leaving […]