Ex-rapper, notorious IS suspect goes on trial in Spain

(AFP) Former British rapper and notorious Islamic State suspect Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, who was arrested in Spain in 2020, went on trial in Madrid on Wednesday.

The 32-year-old former rapper from west London, who allegedly posted an image of himself holding a severed head on Twitter, went on trial at Spain’s Audiencia Nacional criminal court for joining the Islamic State (IS) group while visiting Syria between 2013 and 2015.

Prosecutors also accuse him of running “online scams” with two friends to fund “terrorist activities.” They are calling for a nine-year jail sentence.

When he was arrested in April 2020 in the southern town of Almeria several days after arriving by boat from Algeria, police described the British-Egyptian national as one of IS’s “most wanted foreign terrorist fighters.”

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