Quran burned, thrown in front of mosque in Germany Investigation of incident has been launched, according to director of Mimar Sinan Mosque

(Anadolu) A Quran was burned and thrown in front of a mosque in southwestern Germany, the Turkish-Muslim umbrella group DITIB said on Monday.

The incident happened in front of the Mimar Sinan Mosque in the town of Maulbronn, located in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, from a moving vehicle.

Osman Adibelli, director of the mosque association, said the incident took place on the night of Saturday, July 8.

“After the incident, when we reviewed surveillance footage of our mosque, we saw that an object was thrown in front of the mosque from a vehicle on the main street. Around 4.45 am (0245GMT), our congregation members who came for morning prayers noticed a burned Quran at the entrance of the mosque,” he explained.

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