Repatriated ISIS widow gets 48-month prison sentence

(Brussels Times) The Antwerp Criminal Court on Thursday sentenced Nora Verhoeven, the repatriated widow of an Islamic State (ISIS) fighter, to 48 months in prison, 18 of them suspended.

In 2015, the Brussels woman, then 21 years old, was sentenced in absentia to five years’ imprisonment at the trial of the Sharia4Belgium movement. On her return to Belgium last year, she lodged an objection to the sentence.

In May 2013, the young woman had followed her companion, Tarik Taketloune, to Syria. Taketloune had joined the Majlis Shura Al Mujahidin terrorist group, which later merged with ISIS. After the death of her partner, she was allegedly forced to marry an older Syrian fighter. After fleeing from him, she was forced to marry the now-deceased Belgian fighter Annas Koundi.

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