Convicted terrorist leader to challenge citizenship decision A convicted terrorist leader will fight to have his Australian citizenship returned, with authorities planning to deport him, a court has heard.

(NCA NewsWire) The convicted leader of a terrorist cell in Australia will fight to have his citizenship returned, a court has heard.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika returned before the Victorian Supreme Court on Friday as a trial began on what, if any, conditions should be put in place after an order keeping him in prison expires.

He appeared remotely, seen wearing a green T-shirt and sporting a large grey and red beard, and was taking notes throughout the hearing.

The Algeria-born man emigrated to Australia more than 30 years ago and became a citizen in 1998.

Benbrika was jailed for 15 years in 2009 after he was convicted on charges relating to his leadership of a terrorist organisation preparing to commit a terror attack.

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