Rashida Tlaib asks supporters to ‘chip in’ so she can host more anti-Semitic events

(Free Beacon) Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) is fundraising off the anti-Semitic event she hosted last week, telling supporters she needs the money to battle “Israel’s apartheid regime.”

Tlaib’s fundraising pitch references the “Squad” member’s controversial push to host an event mourning Israel’s creation as a “catastrophe.” Tlaib in the pitch boasts about her ability to hold the anti-Semitic event last week, even after it was initially canceled by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.), as the Washington Free Beacon first reported. After McCarthy intervened on the House side, Tlaib enlisted socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) to reserve her space on the Senate side of the Capitol, where McCarthy has no jurisdiction.

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