Dallas Public Library cancels exhibit by terror-supporting group Pro-BDS Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) announces anti-Israel art exhibit at the Dallas Public Library in May; following Ynet inquiry about partnering with BDS-supporting organizations — illegal in Texas — library cancels exhibit

(Ynet) The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) advertised late last month an upcoming art exhibit titled “75 Years of Resistance. 75 Years of Glory” at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library in Dallas, set to be on display from May 20 to August 30. However, after Ynet reached out to the library for comment, a library representative said that the event was canceled — despite the fact that the organization is still advertising the event.

According to the description, the exhibit will “honor the courage and steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their resistance to Zionist oppression and colonization dating back to the 1948 catastrophe known as the Nakba.” Notably, the exhibit rejects the right of Israel to exist in any capacity or any borders as it specifically references “75 years,” as opposed to addressing the post-1967 occupation in the West Bank.

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