Tlaib’s tweet calling Israel ‘apartheid state’ gets torn apart by instant fact check Twitter owner Elon Musk has vowed that there will be 'no exceptions' to who gets fact checked

(Fox) Twitter’s new fact-checking system hit back at Rep. Rashida Tlaib after the Michigan Democrat called Israel an “apartheid state.”

“Speaker McCarthy wants to rewrite history but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Tlaib said Monday on Twitter. “75 years later, the Nakba continues to this day.”

Tlaib’s tweet, which was in response to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s post noting the “special relationship” between Israel and the U.S., was the subject of an instant fact check by Twitter, with notes below the post pointing out several errors.

The fact check first points out that Israel was created by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, linking to the document at the U.N.’s official website.

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