NHS trust director steps down after JN uncovers posts about Holocaust and ‘real Jews’ Exclusive: Maqsood Ahmad, non-executive director of the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, previously held senior role at the Home Office including 'advising the home secretary on equality and policing'

(Jewish News) A director of an NHS foundation trust has “stepped down with immediate effect” from his role after Jewish News raised concerns about social media posts comparing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians with the Nazi Holocaust, and comments about “real Jews.”

Maqsood Ahmad, a non-executive director of the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust in the north-west of England, had posted and shared a succession of inflammatory posts on Twitter, including circulating one message claiming: “The Holocaust and Nazism wasn’t just the gas chambers. It had many things that Zionism is today, to a degree.”

The post, shared by Ahmad on April 20th, continued:: “They wail ‘never again’ — but never is happening again. Don’t take my word for it. The decent Jewish are even saying it.”

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