‘Self-censorship’: Flemish leader criticises Brussels Ramadan-friendly culture label

(Brussels Times) Some 20 Brussels cultural institutions have launched a “Ramadan-friendly” label, which allows spectators to break their fast during the show and gives a warning if the performance includes violence, nudity or music. Flemish Minister-President and Cultural Minister Jan Jambon, however, has reservations.

A series of culture houses in the Brussels-Capital Region — including the well-known Kaaitheater — announced that they want to make performance evenings during Ramadan more accessible for Muslims who are fasting.

In practice, this means that free water is offered, the audience is allowed to leave the room during the performance to eat, those participating in Ramadan can break the fast in a separate room somewhere in peace just before the performance, and there are content warnings. Several institutions across Europe have been experimenting with such a “Ramadan-friendly” label for some time.

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