‘Extremist’ allegedly supplied $3000 gun for police shooting A man supplied a vintage gun valued at more than $3000 for a terror attack which killed police employee Curtis Cheng, a court has heard.

(NCA NewsWire) An accused terrorist supplied a vintage gun valued at more than $3000 for a terror attack which killed police employee Curtis Cheng, a court has heard.

Mustafa Dirani is on trial over his alleged involvement in the fatal shooting of Curtis Cheng outside the NSW Police Headquarters in Parramatta in 2015.

The police accountant was gunned down as he walked out of work on October 2, 2015, by Farhad Mohammad, 15.

On Thursday, the NSW Supreme Court heard the gun allegedly supplied by Mr Dirani was a vintage 1942 Smith and Wesson revolver.

Crown prosecutor David Staehli SC said the model of gun was shipped from the US to Allied forces fighting in WWII.

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