Canadian ISIS facilitator denounces extremism, gets 14 years

(Global News) The facilitator of a Canadian ISIS cell renounced violent extremism on Thursday as he pleaded guilty to four counts of terrorism and was sentenced to 14 years.

Awso Peshdary, 33, told the court he believed it was “God’s favour to me” that the RCMP put a stop to his terrorist activities by arresting him in 2015.

“I, with a voice embedded with growth, maturity and years of reflection, denounce my previously-held extremist beliefs,” he said in a statement.

“I do this with the confidence that only a person who has walked out of that path can understand,” the former Ottawa student activist said.

Both the crown and defence asked for the 14-year sentence. Taking into account the time he has already spent in custody, he will serve another 21 months, plus three years of probation.

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