Brussels terror trial: Salah Abdeslam was to have blown himself up

(Brussels Times) The defence team of Salah Abdeslam took the floor at the Brussels Assise Court on Tuesday afternoon to question investigators and examining magistrates about their investigation into the Brussels attacks of 22 March 2016.

In her first questions to the court, attorney Delphine Paci focussed mainly on the attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, where her client was to have blown himself up in a café — not in the Stade de France — and then on the evolution of the accused on his return to Belgium.

The lawyer first had witnesses confirm that her client, who was initially a party animal and only later became interested in religion, had not travelled to Syria, unlike his older brother Brahim, one of the suicide bombers in the Paris commando. Salah Abdeslam was, however, interviewed by Belgian police due to suspicions that he wanted to make such a trip.

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