March 2016 attacks: Sofien Ayari has continually [denied] involvement, investigators say

(Brussels Times) Sofien Ayari has continually maintained during hearings on the March 2016 terror attacks and the shooting in the Rue du Dries in Forest that he did not feel involved in the attacks in Paris and Brussels and that “committing stuff in Europe was not his thing,” according to investigators.

It was the investigators’ turn on Wednesday to do a presentation of the accused at the Brussels Assise Court, in charge of trying cases linked to the 22 March 2016 attacks in the Belgian capital. The Tunisian has systematically asserted his right to remain silent about the Brussels attacks.

Sofien Ayari is something of a latecomer to the Brussels attacks investigation. It was only in May 2018, at the request of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, that the investigation began looking into his case.

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