Spain: Police raid home of suspect in church machete attacks

(AP) Spanish police on Thursday raided the home of a young Moroccan man held over the machete attacks at two Catholic churches the previous night that left a church officer dead and a priest injured in the southern city of Algeciras.

A police investigation directed by a National Court judge considers Wednesday’s violence a possible act of terrorism. The suspect is believed to have acted alone.

“The investigation is continuing along the logical premise that this could be a case of terrorism, but we are in the initial phase and all the possibilities are open,” Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska said after the police completed their search of the suspect’s home.

The suspect is a Moroccan citizen with no prior criminal record “either in Spain or any other country,” the interior ministry said. He wasn’t “on the radar” of authorities for possible radical activity, Grande-Marlaska added.

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