Border Patrol nabbed 17 people on FBI terror watch list at southern border in December Customs and Border Protection's latest numbers mean that [there] have been 38 terror watch list encounters on the border since October

(Fox) Border Patrol agents stopped 17 people on the FBI’s terror watch list at the southern border in December, bringing the total of individuals arrested at the southern border to 38 already for the current fiscal year.

Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) latest numbers for December, released on Friday, revealed Border Patrol has arrested 17 people at the southern border whose names match on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) — which contains information about the identities of those who are known or “reasonably suspected” of being involved in terrorist activities.

December’s numbers bring the total number of terror watch list arrests between the ports of entry since FY 2023 began on Oct 1. to 38.

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