Swedish far-right leader calls Erdogan ‘Islamist dictator’

(AFP) The leader of the far-right Sweden Democrats has attacked Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as an “Islamist dictator” as Ankara maintains its objections to approving Stockholm’s bid for NATO membership.

Jimmie Akesson, whose party is currently propping up the Swedish government, made the comments in an interview with the Dagens Nyheter newspaper published Wednesday.

There are limits on how far the country would go to appease Turkey to secure its NATO membership “… because it is ultimately an anti-democratic system and a dictator we are dealing with,” Akesson told the newspaper.

Akesson also questioned whether Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who prides himself on having never lost a national election over 20 years of rule, could be called democratically elected.

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